* First operative bidirectional release. * Improvements: * Aragonese monodix and bidix in the initial release (0.1.0) were checked and corrected. * Huge improvement in the completeness of verbal and nominal morphology. Wide paradigms analysing most dialectal forms and orthographic variations (see Note on orthography below). * Closed classes completed. * Treatment of enclitics (up to combinations of two enclitics), including dialectal non-standard combinations. * Treatment of apostrophation (analysis and (post)-generation). * Orthographic variation concentrated on monodix. * Dialectal variation concentrated (when possible) on monodix. * Possesives fixed. * Impersonal haber-ie dealt with. * Important increase in the dictionary size and coverage. > 510 paradigms, > 17500 lemmae (of which, 8025 proper nouns), including 1786 multi-words. ~500 000 analyzable surface forms, ~120 000 generated surface forms. 86.3% naïve coverage in wikipedia. * es monodix trimmed to bidix using ignore label (i="yes"). * Main pending Issues: * Still room to improve on coverage. * Still much to work on transfer (current version based on a reduced and tuned subset of rules from es-ca). * Current POS disambiguator is directly taken from es-ca. Note: Orthography is taken from "Academia de l'Aragonés - Estudio de Filolochía Aragonesa", a board created in the II Congreso de l'Aragonés. http://www.academiadelaragones.org/biblio/EDACAR7_2.pdf . It is the orthography used in Wikipedia in Aragonese (http://an.wikipedia.org). There is partial compatibility in analysis with other previously used orthographies.