This is a pre-release of apertium-en-ca (because there are some bugs you can't find until after you've released...) New things: Vocabulary sync with apertium-en-es 0.7.0 English dialect support (British and American) Initial support for Valentian forms Start of Termcat import - Thanks to Termcat for allowing this, and to Prompsit Language Engineering for facilitating it. At the moment, only a few items have been important. They have mostly been limited to terms which include ambiguous nouns (temps, estaciĆ³, etc.) Caveats: The vocabulary sync is not complete: specifically, I skipped some proverbs, and had to omit the verb 'blog'. The Valentian support is not as complete as apertium-es-ca (on the other hand, the English dialect support is better than en-es) This release also includes several multiwords harvested from Francis Tyers' initial investigations into lexical selection (and others suggested by it).